Sunday, October 23, 2016

High Blood Pressure Newsletter - New This Week - W42

jn-highbloodpressure75Just No High Blood Pressure Newsletter – Week 42

This week we have interesting info: did you know that mothers with obesity can be the cause of high blood pressure and kidney disease in their children – for their lifetime? Also the minimum daily amount of salt to prevent hypertension, spices and foods that help controlling blood pressure, how hypertension affects the children’s intelligence and their school achievements, and more.

High Blood Pressure Newsletter - New This Week - W42

Thursday, October 13, 2016

High Blood Pressure Newsletter - New This Week - W39

jn-highbloodpressure75Just No High Blood Pressure Newsletter – Week 39

This week we have interesting info: Did you know that excess heartburn medication can worsen your gastric health conditions? And that if you mix heartburn medication with other drugs it can seriously affect the kidneys? Also treating acid reflux in babies, consequences of eating too many acidic foods and varying the pH of the body, taking deep breaths before a meal will help with digestion, and more.

High Blood Pressure Newsletter - New This Week - W39