Tuesday, June 30, 2020

What Is Portal Hypertension?

What Is Portal Hypertension?    

Portal hypertension is the obstructing of the portal venous system. This is caused by the interruption of the blood vessels that connect to the liver, resulting in liver malfunction. The symptoms are blood in the stool, confusion, and forgetfulness, among others. More details click here.


New Bluetooth-Enabled Blood Pressure Monitor Also Detects Atrial Fibrillation

New Bluetooth-Enabled Blood Pressure Monitor Also Detects Atrial Fibrillation    

This portable blood pressure monitor connects to a portable device via Bluetooth. Also, it can detect irregular heart rhythms, also known as atrial fibrillation. The importance of this is that atrial fibrillation is a predictor and cause for stroke, cardiovascular morbidity, and mortality. It also increases the risk of stroke by 5 times. Additional details click here.


Fatty Liver Disease Related To Cardiovascular Disease

Fatty Liver Disease Related To Cardiovascular Disease    

A recent study has shown the relation between fatty liver disease and cardiovascular disease. Fatty liver disease can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, and vice versa. Fatty liver disease affects 30% of the US population due to increased obesity. Additional information click here.


Monday, June 29, 2020

Identifying The Signs Of Anemia

Identifying The Signs Of Anemia    

Among Them Are Poor Concentration, Headaches, Altered Heartbeat, Insomnia, And Hair Loss    

Anemia is a common blood condition in which there is a deficit of healthy red blood cells in your body, lowering the blood’s capacity to carry oxygen and nutrients. The most common form is iron-deficiency anemia, which is not fatal but can be a symptom of a more serious condition. Among the signs are skin paleness, due to the lower concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, making the blood less red. Low blood oxygen also affects the brain, altering the mood and concentration, and unexplained headaches. The heart also suffers, because it has to work harder to deliver the blood through the body, which alters its heartbeat. This causes exhaustion, which can lead to insomnia. Another sign is hair loss because the blood vessels in the hair follicles are not receiving enough oxygen and nutrients. Check all the signs of anemia. Click here for more information.


Study: Coffee Can Help To Treat Cardiac Arrhythmias

Study: Coffee Can Help To Treat Cardiac Arrhythmias    

It Suppresses The Effect Of A Substance That Promotes This Condition    

According to experts, caffeine is a good option for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, a health condition in which the heart beats too fast, too slow or not evenly. Caffeine reduces the effect of a substance that increases the risk of this heart condition. Popular belief is that caffeine is responsible for an abnormal heartbeat when the truth is a completely opposite situation. The antioxidant properties of coffee also might help to reduce the possibility of heart rhythm problems. Specialists also state that three cups of coffee per day is a safety measure for patients with cardiovascular conditions. More info click here.


Strokes Are Becoming More Frequent In Young Adults

Strokes Are Becoming More Frequent In Young Adults    

This Might Increase The Death Toll, For A Second Stroke Is Usually Fatal    

Strokes are mostly related to older, overweight people. However, this condition is becoming frequent in millennials, people from 18 to 34 years. Studies suggest the reason is diabetes, excess weight, lack of physical activity, and, in some cases, drug abuse. This impacts their families and expectations and increases the death rate because, they can have another stroke in the next 30 years, and statistics show that a second stroke has usually fatal consequences. Click here for more info.


Sunday, June 28, 2020

Study: More Fiber In The Diet May Improve Blood Pressure

Study: More Fiber In The Diet May Improve Blood Pressure    

Researchers have found that a diet rich in fiber can shift the type of bacteria in the gut. In turn, these bacteria produce substances called short-chain fatty acids, which reduce the risk of bowel cancer and improve the immune function. Also, these acids resulted in less stiffness in the heart, better cardiovascular function, and lower blood pressure. Additional information click here.


Friday, June 26, 2020

Lesser-Known Tips To Lower Blood Pressure

Lesser-Known Tips To Lower Blood Pressure    

They Include Taking Yogurt, Decaf Coffee, And Dark Chocolate    

High blood pressure is treated with specific medications, but changing the diet and lifestyle is also necessary. Every specialist will probably recommend reducing stress and making more exercise. However, there are lesser-known suggestions, such as drinking hibiscus tea, taking yogurt, due to its probiotic properties, including foods with potassium and magnesium, such as fruits and vegetables, preferring decaf over regular coffee, and taking one square of dark chocolate a day. More details click here.


Taking The Best And Most Powerful Drugs Are Not Enough For Controlling Hypertension

Taking The Best And Most Powerful Drugs Are Not Enough For Controlling Hypertension    

Weight Loss And A Lifestyle Change Are Also Required    

Medication is a way to control high blood pressure, but it must be combined with a lifestyle change. Taking the best and most powerful drugs won’t lower hypertension if the patient continues in a diet high in fats and processed sugars and does no exercise. The first step is to lose excess weight – according to experts, blood pressure increases when weight increases. Also, 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week will lower blood pressure. Lifestyle changes also include lowering sodium, alcohol consumption and processed sugars. Additional info click here.


Thursday, June 25, 2020

Benefits Of Bananas For Controlling High Blood Pressure

Benefits Of Bananas For Controlling High Blood Pressure    

It Is A Source Of Fiber And Potassium, Helping Control Hypertension    

High blood pressure can be controlled with a proper diet with foods rich in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables. Among these, banana is especially beneficial because it has a high fiber and antioxidant content, which helps with cardiovascular health. Bananas also help regulate bowel movement, are good for healthy skin. they are an excellent source of potassium and fiber. According to studies, a diet rich in fiber and potassium reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Also, potassium is fundamental to controlling hypertension. Additionally, its natural sugars are a good option for diabetes sufferers. More info click here.


Frequent Headaches Are A Common Symptom Of High Blood Pressure

Frequent Headaches Are A Common Symptom Of High Blood Pressure    

Other Symptoms Are Regular Nosebleeds And Dizziness    

High blood pressure is usually known as “the silent killer” because its symptoms are not easy to identify, and only show themselves when the blood pressure is extremely high and there is an increased risk of death-related complications, such as heart disease and stroke, that can result in disability or death. However, there are symptoms that may appear at an early stage, which might be apparently disconnected. One of them is frequent headaches. Other common symptoms are dizziness, facial redness, persistent nosebleeds, and blood spots in the eyes. This means that the hypertension is affecting the eyes and the balance organs in the ears. Failure to recognize these symptoms can result in a hypertensive crisis, in which blood pressure can reach levels as high as 180/120, leading to shortness of breath, visual complications and chest pain. More info click here.


Men And Women Have Different Risk Levels Of Having A Heart Attack

Men And Women Have Different Risk Levels Of Having A Heart Attack    

There are gender differences in relation to the risk of heart attack. A woman’s heart is smaller and the walls are thinner. Even though it pumps faster than a man’s it pumps 10 percent less blood. That said, there are diseases that only affect women like endometriosis and pregnancy-related diabetes. Also, women are protected from heart attacks because of the level of estrogen, which drops when they reach the menopause. Symptoms also differ: while in men there is chest pain, in women, there is fatigue, sweating, and neck or jaw pain, and they happen several weeks before the attack. Check all the differences. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Sitting For An Extended Time In A Plane Can Lead To Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Sitting For An Extended Time In A Plane Can Lead To Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)    

It Can Lead To More Serious Health Conditions Such As Pulmonary Embolism    

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot develops within a deep vein in the body, typically in the leg. This condition is caused by sitting for an extended time, such as when flying, and shows as pain and swelling in one leg. It can have complications can be fatal because it can result in pulmonary embolism, which is a blockage of a blood vessel in the lungs, leading to shortness of breath and chest pain. Prolonged inactivity causes pooling of blood in the lower parts of the body. This can happen on a plane, or after an operation. In many cases, there are no symptoms of DVT. However, there can also be pain, swelling and tenderness in one leg. The affected area also has a heavy ache and feels warm. It can be prevented by just walking around, and drinking water to avoid dehydration. Additional details click here.


Risk Of Diabetes Or Prediabetes Is Determined By Body Fat Percentage

Risk Of Diabetes Or Prediabetes Is Determined By Body Fat Percentage    

Body Fat Is More Relevant Than Body Mass Index (Bmi) For Determining If A Person Is Healthy    

There are new guidelines that establish that body fat percentage determines whether or not a person is considered obese. On the other hand, the body mass index (BMI) can determine if a person is overweight, even if he has low body fat. A recent study determined that more people with BMI within the normal range (therefore, not considered overweight), but with a high body fat percentage had diabetes or prediabetes, compared to people with high BMI, but low body fat. Therefore, researches determined that the percentage of body fat is more relevant for determining the risk of diabetes or prediabetes than the BMI. Also, the percentage of body fat is related to abnormal blood glucose, leading to diabetes. Click here for more info.


High Blood Pressure Can Affect Intelligence In Children

High Blood Pressure Can Affect Intelligence In Children    

A recent research has related hypertension with increased cognitive deterioration. The same happens in children, which will be at a disadvantage when seeking successful achievement and success. One of the causes is childhood obesity. What to do about it? Additional info click here.


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Benefits Of Spices For Boosting Immunity And Helping With Heart Disease

Benefits Of Spices For Boosting Immunity And Helping With Heart Disease    

Spices have interesting health benefits. For example, paprika has capsaicin, which reduces the risk of heart disease, increases immunity and alleviates gas. Cayenne pepper also has capsaicin, which also has the advantage of speeding the metabolism, reducing the need for fatty and salty foods. Check all the healthy spices. Additional information click here.


These Foods Will Help With Blood Pressure And Also Overall Health

These Foods Will Help With Blood Pressure And Also Overall Health    

Unhealthy diet habits will lead to obesity and increase the risk of heart disease. However, there are foods that have proven to be healthy and nutritious. Among these are tomatoes, containing the antioxidant lycopene, which reduces blood pressure and heart disease. Other is garlic, which contains vitamins and antioxidants. Check the full list – it even contains chocolate. More info click here.


Sudden Cardiac Death Can Occur To Anybody – Learning The Risk Factors

Sudden Cardiac Death Can Occur To Anybody – Learning The Risk Factors    

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), also known as sudden cardiac death, is the leading cause of death due to a cardiovascular condition. It is caused by a disturbance of the electrical activity of the heart, added to coronary heart disease, which is caused by the reduction of blood flow to the heart. It is not the same as a heart attack. What are the risk factors? How to avoid it? More info click here.


Monday, June 22, 2020

What Are Brain Aneurysms?

What Are Brain Aneurysms?    

An aneurysm is a balloon bulge filled with blood that is attached to the walls of blood vessels. It is a result of the weakening of the blood vessel, which can be caused by hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, or even genetics. If they rupture, they are usually related to brain complications, leading to strong headaches, blindness or eye misalignment. Once detected, there are treatments, going from open surgery to less invasive methods. Click here for more information.


Cherry Juice Helps With Hypertension, Among Other Health Benefits

Cherry Juice Helps With Hypertension, Among Other Health Benefits    

A study has shown that cherry juice can help lower blood pressure. Cherry juice has many health benefits: it has antioxidant properties that help improve circulation and promote nerve function, improves post-workout recovery, fights inflammation regulates metabolism and improves sleep, among others. Additional information click here.


Heartburn And Hypertension Drugs Affect Dental Implant Procedures

Heartburn And Hypertension Drugs Affect Dental Implant Procedures    

A study suggests that certain drugs can affect the outcome of a dental implant procedure. It advises taking drugs for high blood pressure and avoid taking meds against heartburn. These drugs can alter how the bone tissue accepts the dental implant. Additional info click here.


Sunday, June 21, 2020

Pill With Low Doses Of Three Types Of Hypertension Drugs Proved More Effective Than Usual Treatment

Pill With Low Doses Of Three Types Of Hypertension Drugs Proved More Effective Than Usual Treatment    

They Treat Several Causes Of High Blood Pressure And Have A Synergistic Effect    

Researchers have found that treating high blood pressure treatment with a pill that contains a low dose of three medication for hypertension (called the Triple Pill) is more effective than usual treatment. After 6 months, almost 70% of the patients receiving the triple pill achieved a blood pressure within the target range, compared to 44% of patients with normal medication. The medications in the triple pill are telmisartan, amlodipine, and chlorthalidone, which address a different type of hypertension and have a synergistic effect. Click here for more info.


Friday, June 19, 2020

Cherry Juice Helps With Hypertension, Among Other Health Benefits

Cherry Juice Helps With Hypertension, Among Other Health Benefits    

A study has shown that cherry juice can help lower blood pressure. Cherry juice has many health benefits: it has antioxidant properties that help improve circulation and promote nerve function, improves post-workout recovery, fights inflammation regulates metabolism and improves sleep, among others. Additional information click here.


Avoiding Chronic Kidney Disease

Avoiding Chronic Kidney Disease    

One of the main causes of chronic kidney disease is obesity. It causes hypertension and diabetes. The kidneys get damaged because they are constantly working in adverse conditions, such as high blood pressure and inadequate blood flow. However, there are ways to unburden the job for the kidneys, such as getting properly hydrated, taking healthy foods with less fat, salt and sugar, and frequent exercise. Check the advice for healthy kidneys. More details click here.


Thursday, June 18, 2020

Study: 30% Of Patients With Heart Failure May Have Anxiety Or Depression

Study: 30% Of Patients With Heart Failure May Have Anxiety Or Depression    

This Makes More Difficult For Them To Follow Guidelines For Diet And Physical Activity    

According to studies, 30% of patients with heart failure have also symptoms of anxiety and depression, which have a high risk of worsening their cardiovascular condition. In heart failure, the heart is unable to pump enough blood, resulting in symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath. Also, 13% of patients with heart failure have anxiety disorders such as panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Furthermore, the presence of depression and anxiety in patients with heart failure may difficult following recommendations for diet, exercise, and medication use. More details click here.


Men And Women Have Different Risk Levels Of Having A Heart Attack

Men And Women Have Different Risk Levels Of Having A Heart Attack    

There are gender differences in relation to the risk of heart attack. A woman’s heart is smaller and the walls are thinner. Even though it pumps faster than a man’s it pumps 10 percent less blood. That said, there are diseases that only affect women like endometriosis and pregnancy-related diabetes. Also, women are protected from heart attacks because of the level of estrogen, which drops when they reach the menopause. Symptoms also differ: while in men there is chest pain, in women, there is fatigue, sweating, and neck or jaw pain, and they happen several weeks before the attack. Check all the differences. Additional details click here.


More Than 30% Of Hypertension Patients Do Not Follow Their Prescribed Treatment

More Than 30% Of Hypertension Patients Do Not Follow Their Prescribed Treatment    

A study has confirmed that, among high blood pressure patients, more than 30% do not follow their antihypertensive drug therapy. This is a result of poor health literacy, lack of understanding of medical benefits, and poor communication or distrust between the patient and doctor. More details click here.


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

These Foods Will Help Controlling High Blood Pressure

These Foods Will Help Controlling High Blood Pressure    

There are foods that will help prevent and reduce hypertension. One of them is lemon, which softens the blood vessels and makes them flexible, reducing blood pressure, and also reduces triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Another is watermelon seeds, which has a compound called cucurbocitrin, a substance that helps with expanding the blood capillaries. Check all the list. Additional info click here.


Sleep Apnea, Dizziness And Shortness Of Breath Can Be Signs Of Heart Disease

Sleep Apnea, Dizziness And Shortness Of Breath Can Be Signs Of Heart Disease    

Also Swelling In The Legs And Changes In Skin Color    

There are signs that may lead to her disease. Among them is sleep apnea, which lowers the oxygen flow to the brain, telling the heart to work harder, and resulting in hypertension. Also, blood specs under the nails can be a symptom of an infection of the lining and the valves of the heart and also diabetes. Dizziness might mean that there is a poor blood flow to the brain, caused by arrhythmia. Shortness of breath can be another sign of heart failure. Check all the signs of heart disease. More Information click here.


Orange Juice Has Health Benefits, But Beware Of Excess Sugar

Orange Juice Has Health Benefits, But Beware Of Excess Sugar    

Orange juice has many health benefits, such as providing more than 100% of the daily vitamin C requirement, along with flavonoids, folic acid, pectin, potassium, and antioxidants. On the other side, there is artificially sweetened orange juice, which has excessive sugar and can also affect tooth enamel if taken excessively. Check all the pros and cons of orange juice. Additional info click here.


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

High Cholesterol And Hypertension Have No Symptoms – How To Detect Them

High Cholesterol And Hypertension Have No Symptoms – How To Detect Them    

There are harmful conditions that don’t reveal any symptoms. Among them are hypertension and high cholesterol. In the US, the statistics show that 30% of the adult population has high cholesterol, but only half of them get treatments. In the case of hypertension, the numbers are similar. Untreated, they can result in a heart attack. Hypertension is detected via a sphygmomanometer or blood pressure monitor, and high cholesterol can be detected via a blood test. Click here for more information.


Health Benefits Of Fermented Foods

Health Benefits Of Fermented Foods    

They Promote Gut Health, Decrease The Risk Of Heart Disease, And Help With Social Anxiety    

Fermented foods and drinks have a series of health benefits. Among them are sauerkraut, kimchi. Pickles, and kombucha, which is a fermented tea. Fermented foods also help with hut health, and some believe that it reduces the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even social anxiety. In addition, probiotics can be found in fermented dairy or vegetable products. Also, many costly gourmet foods are fermented ones because the fermentation process creates very strong flavors. According to specialists, fermented food has a flavor between fresh and rotten. In many cases, this is due to a sour or tangy flavor because of lactic acid, which is one of the main products of the fermentation process. Besides providing health benefits to the gut, which is the bacteria in the intestine, probiotics also improve immunity, help controlling blood pressure, relieve irritable bowel syndrome, and aid with the digestion of lactose in the case of lactose intolerance. Also, the procedure to ferment food have been used thousands of years ago as a mean to preserve food, when not cans or refrigerators were available. Click here for more info.


Proteins Help Reducing Blood Pressure And Improving Sleep

Proteins Help Reducing Blood Pressure And Improving Sleep    

Proteins are the building blocks of the body, responsible for building tissues and organs, and other components such as hormones and enzymes. Other benefits are reducing the blood pressure, because of the high content of amino acids in proteins. They also reduce the risk of osteoporosis and improve sleep, among others. More info click here.


Monday, June 15, 2020

Identifying The Symptoms Of Kidney Disease

Identifying The Symptoms Of Kidney Disease    

Among These Are Insomnia, High Blood Pressure, Fluid Retention, And Severe Back Pain    

Kidneys work as the body’s filters and remove impurities in the blood in order to prevent toxins from damaging the body. Healthy kidneys eliminate from 1 to 2 liters of urine every 24 hours. However kidneys may begin to malfunction, and unfortunately, it's symptoms are not always recognized, because these are few in the early stage. Among these are a lack of energy, weakness, reduced cognition, poor appetite, and insomnia. There are also other symptoms, such as high blood pressure, and fluid retention. The most obvious symptoms are blood in the urine, painful, dark and foul-smelling urination, and severe lower back pain. Click here for more details.


A Healthy Lifestyle Can Naturally Reverse Hypertension

A Healthy Lifestyle Can Naturally Reverse Hypertension    

People diagnosed with high blood pressure are usually told that they must take their meds for a long time. However, changing their lifestyle and following certain healthy habits, that can even reverse their hypertension, the natural way. One example is the DASH diet, in which fats and cholesterol are limited. Also, limit the amount of sodium to 2300 mg/day and increase the potassium intake to 4700 mg/day. Others are avoiding smoking and frequent exercise. Click here for more information.


Reducing Salt Consumption To A Minimum To Lower Hypertension Has More Dangers Than Benefits

Reducing Salt Consumption To A Minimum To Lower Hypertension Has More Dangers Than Benefits    

Many Body Processes Require Sodium, Such As Cardiovascular Function And Nerve Impulse Transmission    

Excess salt consumption has always been associated with high blood pressure. Therefore, the general recommendation has been to reduce salt intake as much as possible. Excess sodium is bad for the health, however, too little salt is even more dangerous, because many body processes require sodium, such as fluid balance, transmission of nerve impulses, cardiovascular function, and muscle contraction. Low sodium is related to rapid heartbeat, dizziness, dehydration, and even elevated insulin levels and insulin resistance. Also, excess salt is being blamed for hypertension, but no restrictions are being put on sugar, which might be the real culprit. Click here for more information.


A Better Diet Will Help With Reducing High Blood Pressure

A Better Diet Will Help With Reducing High Blood Pressure    

High blood pressure is treated with meds, but it is also important to change eating habits. For example, the DASH or Mediterranean diet contains olive oil, fruit, garlic, and low-fat dairy products. Others are eating ore flaxseed, beetroot juice, and fewer potatoes. Check all the foods. More Information click here.


Sunday, June 14, 2020

Modern Device Use Has Resulted In New Health Conditions, Such As Tech Neck, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, And Computer Vision Syndrome

Modern Device Use Has Resulted In New Health Conditions, Such As Tech Neck, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, And Computer Vision Syndrome    

Symptoms Include Reduced Lung Capacity, Headache, Neck And Back Pain, Heart Disease, And Depression    

Modern life includes interaction with several devices, that may lead to a poor posture and neck and back pain. Bad posture has also been linked with reduced lung capacity, as well as an increase in depression, heart disease, headaches, and neurological disorders One early example is holding the office phone between the shoulder and the ear to leave both hands free, which resulted in neck pain. The same is happening with handheld devices and audio devices, which cause the head to slouch forward, resulting in “tech neck”. In this case, the stress on the neck increases with the angle on the head, which may grow from 10 to 12 pounds in a neutral posture, the human head typically weighs 10-12 pounds, but when it is bent forward at 15 degrees and 60 degree angles, the weight on the neck increases to 30 and 60 pounds, respectively. This is similar to carrying an 8-year-old child in the neck. Also, contact typing and mouse movement lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, caused by the wrists being held in uncomfortable static positions for prolonged periods of time with contact strain placed on the forearm nerves, which become irritated as a result. Another condition is called computer vision syndrome (CVS), which includes optical pain, eyestrain, dryness, blurry vision, headaches as well as neck and shoulder pain. It is caused by poor lighting, improper viewing distances, poor seating posture, glare on a digital screen, and uncorrected vision problems. There are tips and exercises for dealing with all these issues. Additional information click here.


Friday, June 12, 2020

Sleep Apnea Can Lead To More Serious Conditions – Learn To Identify It

Sleep Apnea Can Lead To More Serious Conditions – Learn To Identify It    

Among These Are Irregular Heartbeat, Hypertension, Heart Attack, And Stroke    

Snoring is usually related to sleep apnea, which, as we have discussed before, interrupts the air flow and leads to poor blood oxygenation and oxygen restriction to the brain. However, there are other additional effects that can be a health risk. Among them are irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, and daytime sleepiness. Sleep apnea also is more common in overweight people, with large necks and narrow airways. Large tonsils are also a problem, but they can be removed, if necessary. Usually, the roommate’s complains are the first warning, but if the sufferer lives alone, the symptoms will be extreme sleepiness, morning headaches, poor memory and concentration, and irritability. More details click here.


Software Based On Artificial Intelligence Can Predict Mortality In Heart Disease Patients

Software Based On Artificial Intelligence Can Predict Mortality In Heart Disease Patients    

An artificial intelligence software can predict mortality in patients with a serious heart disorder, and can also help doctors prescribe better treatments for patients with pulmonary hypertension. It creates a 3D model of patients with heart conditions and compares it with the health records of other patients to make a forecast. Click here for more info.


Thursday, June 11, 2020

Fatty Liver Disease Related To Cardiovascular Disease

Fatty Liver Disease Related To Cardiovascular Disease    

A recent study has shown the relation between fatty liver disease and cardiovascular disease. Fatty liver disease can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, and vice versa. Fatty liver disease affects 30% of the US population due to increased obesity. Additional information click here.


Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring Is Possible With A Wearable Device

Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring Is Possible With A Wearable Device    

Normal blood pressure monitoring is based on a cuff that cuts off circulation and releases it, measuring the pressure when the blood begins to flow again. This means that it has to be done at certain intervals, and can be affected by other conditions (such as white coat hypertension, in which the hospital environment affects the readings). There is now a wearable device that measures subtle pressure changes in the skin, providing continuous monitoring. Additional details click here.


These Foods Will Make You Live Longer

These Foods Will Make You Live Longer    

There are foods that will extend your life by reducing inflammation, repairing the damage caused by free radicals and improving intestinal bacteria. For example, chocolate has flavonoids that improve blood-vessel function, lowering the risk of hypertension and blood clotting – just beware of excess sugar. Hot peppers have capsaicin that helps with blood flow, and fish have omega-3 which fight inflammation that affects heart and brain. Learn all about the foods that will make you live longer. Additional information click here.


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

New Research In Hypertension Treatment Looks Promising

New Research In Hypertension Treatment Looks Promising    

There is interesting research on hypertension treatments. Most of them are still on trial but promise a great future. Among them is the control of the carotid bodies, two receptors that act as the blood gateway to the brain, via receptor blockers or electrical stimulation. Other is a by-pass between a vein and artery in the upper thigh, reducing the blood pressure in the artery. More info click here.


Blood Pressure Control Will Be Possible Without Meds, Via Implants

Blood Pressure Control Will Be Possible Without Meds, Via Implants    

Blood pressure is treated with medication. However, there are patients who do not respond to the medication or can’t stand the side effects. But a new treatment is on the way, which consists of implants emitting pulses of electricity to control the blood pressure center in the brain. These implants are the size of a small coin and are located in the arms. Additional details click here.


Experts Agree That Heart Failure Is Not As Dangerous As Heart Attack

Experts Agree That Heart Failure Is Not As Dangerous As Heart Attack    

According to experts, heart failure is not as life-threatening as a heart attack. Heart failure is the inability of the heart to circulate blood normally. A heart attack occurs when the blood flow at the muscles is interrupted or severely reduced. Click here for more information.


Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Changing The Way Your Sleep Can Help Lower The Blood Pressure

Changing The Way Your Sleep Can Help Lower The Blood Pressure    

It Consists Of Dividing The 8-Hour Sleep Between Several Rest Periods    

Changing the way you sleep can have a significant impact on high blood pressure. Most people are worried about getting the 8 hours of sleep every night. One of the causes is because they are aware of the consequences of sleep deprivation. According to specialists, these eight hours can be divided into shorter periods, taking naps at midday and early evening. This is known as a polyphasic approach. It includes napping for 20 minutes, which helps forget the worries and also restores the body, lowering the blood pressure. Click here for more details.


Is Hypertension A Result Of A Modern Life Diet?

Is Hypertension A Result Of A Modern Life Diet?    

Thousands of years ago, we had a diet very low in salt, because we ate mostly plants. Then salt was found to preserve foods, which increased its consumption, and now we have a salt intake 10 times more than what our body requires. Hence, the blood pressure increased. Additionally, doctors inform us that a pressure of 140 over 100 is still considered normal. However, a tribe on the Amazon rainforest has the lowest salt intake on the planet, with a blood pressure of 100 over 60. So, do we choose to have hypertension or its part of the modern life? Click here for more info.


These Foods Will Help Controlling High Blood Pressure

These Foods Will Help Controlling High Blood Pressure    

There are foods that will help prevent and reduce hypertension. One of them is lemon, which softens the blood vessels and makes them flexible, reducing blood pressure, and also reduces triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Another is watermelon seeds, which has a compound called cucurbocitrin, a substance that helps with expanding the blood capillaries. Check all the list. Additional info click here.


Monday, June 8, 2020

Overfat Category Defines Fat Location In Obese People, Better Than BMI

Overfat Category Defines Fat Location In Obese People, Better Than BMI    

If Fat Is Around The Belly It Might Result In High Cholesterol, Sleep Apnea, And High Blood Pressure    

The Body-Mass Index determines if a person is overweight (BMI between 25 and 29.9) or obese (BMI greater than 30). However, according to specialists, BMI misses half of the persons who still have a dangerous amount of fat, such as the beer belly, and also does not identify body weight associated with fat, muscle or water. Also, BMI misses the amount of fat and where it is concentrated. If the fat is concentrated at the belly, it wraps around d the organs, the liver turns it into cholesterol, and the arteries harden. This results in heart disease, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and asthma, and increases the risk of heart attack, diabetes, and stroke. This new category called overfat. Learn how to identify it. Additional info click here.


Sugar Can Be More Harmful Than Salt For Cardiovascular Health

Sugar Can Be More Harmful Than Salt For Cardiovascular Health    

It Offers Empty Calories, With No Vitamins, Minerals, And Nutrients    

Even though salt is closely related to cardiovascular problems, research has shown that sugar can be more harmful. Excess sugar in soda drinks and processed foods can increase the risk of having cardiovascular disease, liver disease, and hypertension. There are several issues to watch for in sugar consumption, such as that it adds calories without giving the sensation of fullness. It adds empty calories because they don’t have fiber, vitamins, or blood sugar. Also, processed foods include fructose, which is difficult to process by the liver and can lead to a fatty liver. Sugar is also seen as the direct responsible for diabetes, but there are other factors to consider, such as excess weight, activity, and age. Check all the health issues connected to sugar intake. More Information click here.


New Non-Invasive Procedure Can Detect Heart Disease In Apparently Healthy Patients

New Non-Invasive Procedure Can Detect Heart Disease In Apparently Healthy Patients    

Early Detection Can Help Patients Lower The Risk Of Heart Attack    

Recent research has found a noninvasive way to detect cardiovascular disease in apparently healthy patients, identifying inflammation in blood vessels which could result in a heart attack. It consists of detecting inflammation in arteries surrounding the fat tissue. Most tests detect heart disease only after arteries are narrowing. However, with early detection, patients can take steps to lower the risk of heart attacks, such as exercise, weight control, and diet. More details click here.


Sunday, June 7, 2020

Shoulder Problems Related To Cardiovascular Conditions

Shoulder Problems Related To Cardiovascular Conditions    

A study has found that patients with shoulder problems, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome were related to cardiovascular disease factors, such as high blood pressure, diabetes or tobacco use. Click here for more info.


Friday, June 5, 2020

Hypertension Treatment Though Sound-Based Therapy

Hypertension Treatment Though Sound-Based Therapy    

There is a new therapy based on the sound that is showing positive effects on controlling high blood pressure and migraine. It reads brain activity using sensors in the scalp. This activity is transformed into audible tones and immediately reflected in the brain. The treatment has also proved effective for insomnia. Click here for more information.


Reducing High Blood Pressure The Natural Way With Fruits And Vegetables

Reducing High Blood Pressure The Natural Way With Fruits And Vegetables    

Experts Recommend Five Daily Portions    

High blood pressure requires medication to control it. However, it also requires healthy habits and lifestyle changes, which include exercise and losing weight. According to specialists, eating five portions of fruit and vegetables also helps, each potion being 80g or the size of the fist. They can be distributed the following way: 3 tablespoons of vegetables and one of dried fruit, one medium-sized fruit, a dessert bowl of salad, and a glass of fruit or vegetable juice. Also, yogurt will reduce the risk of hypertension in women. Additional info click here.


Thursday, June 4, 2020

Certain Sounds Can Cause Serious Health Issues

Certain Sounds Can Cause Serious Health Issues    

Among Them Are Headaches, Hypertension, Hearing Loss, And Even Memory Loss    

Recently, the U.S. embassy staff in Havana started hearing a high-pitched sound, which resulted in a diplomatic incident between the two countries, even though the cause was not found. Exposure to this sound resulted in severe health consequences for the embassy personnel. Among these were headaches, memory loss, sleep disorders and ear-related conditions, such as hearing loss and struggle to maintain balance. Testing also revealed a sustained injury to widespread brain networks. Studies have proven that exposure to sound, including frequencies that go beyond the range that humans can detect, can cause hearing loss, hypertension, heart disease, and stroke. More Information click here.


How To Limit Excess Sodium Intake?

How To Limit Excess Sodium Intake?    

It is well-known that high sodium intake is related to hypertension. The average salt consumption in the US is more than 3,400 milligrams of sodium daily, while the American Heart Association limits the daily salt ingestion to 1,500 milligrams and the Dietary Guidelines recommends no more than 2,300 milligrams. Most of the excess salt comes from processed food. Excess salt intake can be reduced by limiting the salt in cooking, tasting the food before adding salt, check the salt amount in seasonings, and replace salt with herbs and spices, among others. Click here for more details.


Snoring Is Not Only An Annoyance, But It Could Also Result In Severe Cardiovascular Problems

Snoring Is Not Only An Annoyance, But It Could Also Result In Severe Cardiovascular Problems    

Besides Increasing The Risk Of Sleep Apnea, Snoring Vibrations Thicken The Walls Of The Carotid Arteries, Restricting Blood Blow    

One of the symptoms of heart attack, besides chest pain, dizziness and headaches, id myocardial infarction, this occurs when the heart does not receive enough blood supply. This condition can occur when a person is lying in bed and its risk can increase if the person has excessive snoring. The reason is the vibration generated by the snore also affects the carotid arteries, which are located near the throat, restricting blood flow. This results in a thickening of the walls of the arteries. Snoring is actually considered an annoyance for the bed partner, but can also be a sign of a poor cardiovascular condition. Also, snoring can lead to sleep apnea, a condition in which the air passage gets interrupted by the relaxation of the tongue tissue, and the patient stops breathing. This increases the risk of stroke and is also related to high blood pressure. More Information click here.


Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Lesser-Known Tips To Lower Blood Pressure

Lesser-Known Tips To Lower Blood Pressure    

They Include Taking Yogurt, Decaf Coffee, And Dark Chocolate    

High blood pressure is treated with specific medications, but changing the diet and lifestyle is also necessary. Every specialist will probably recommend reducing stress and making more exercise. However, there are lesser-known suggestions, such as drinking hibiscus tea, taking yogurt, due to its probiotic properties, including foods with potassium and magnesium, such as fruits and vegetables, preferring decaf over regular coffee, and taking one square of dark chocolate a day. More details click here.


Lesser-Known Tips To Lower Blood Pressure

Lesser-Known Tips To Lower Blood Pressure    

They Include Taking Yogurt, Decaf Coffee, And Dark Chocolate    

High blood pressure is treated with specific medications, but changing the diet and lifestyle is also necessary. Every specialist will probably recommend reducing stress and making more exercise. However, there are lesser-known suggestions, such as drinking hibiscus tea, taking yogurt, due to its probiotic properties, including foods with potassium and magnesium, such as fruits and vegetables, preferring decaf over regular coffee, and taking one square of dark chocolate a day. More details click here.


Exercise Not Only Reduces Excess Weight

Exercise Not Only Reduces Excess Weight    

Other Benefits Include Lower Blood Pressure, Stress Reduction, And Higher Metabolism An Bone Density    

Most people link exercising to reducing excess weight. However, there are other reasons for making exercises that are as important as or even more important than weight loss. One of them is reducing blood pressure – it strengthens the heart, allowing it to pump more blood with less effort and less stress on the blood vessels. It also lowers stress due to the production of endorphin by the brain, a hormone that makes gives us a positive sensation, feeling good. Even if you are not overweight, the muscle still contains body fat, which is trimmed out by exercise. Besides obtaining a lean muscle mass, increases metabolism, builds bone density, benefits the immune system, and helps reverse insulin resistance, reducing the risk of diabetes. Check all the benefits of exercise, besides weight loss. More details click here.


Tuesday, June 2, 2020

New Hypertension Treatment Based On Electroacupuncture

New Hypertension Treatment Based On Electroacupuncture    

There is a treatment or hypertension based on electroacupuncture. It increases the release of a certain opioid that controls hypertension. The lower blood pressure lasted for three days after the treatment. Additional information click here.


Study: Small Cluster Of Cells Responsible For Controlling Blood Pressure

Study: Small Cluster Of Cells Responsible For Controlling Blood Pressure    

High blood pressure is usually treated with medicines and a change of habits. However, it has been discovered that a small cluster of cells located near the carotid artery can cause high blood pressure. Researches removed this body the size of a rice grain and it resulted in an immediate drop in blood pressure. Apparently, this body monitors the oxygen level in the blood, informing the brain to increase the blood pressure, and this monitoring can give false readings. Click here for more info.


Walnuts Will Help With Depression, Arthritis, And Cardiovascular Health

Walnuts Will Help With Depression, Arthritis, And Cardiovascular Health    

It Helps Increase The Bacterial Diversity In The Digestive System    

Walnuts have beneficial effects on the microorganisms of the gut, which reduces the risk of bowel cancer, improves digestion, brain health, and weight loss. A healthy microflora in the gut will also have a positive impact on the cardiovascular system, depression, and arthritis. One of the reason is that walnuts are the only nut that has a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids. They act as a prebiotic, helping to grow and increase the diversity of the bacteria which keeps a healthy digestive system. More info click here.


Monday, June 1, 2020

High Cholesterol And Hypertension Have No Symptoms – How To Detect Them

High Cholesterol And Hypertension Have No Symptoms – How To Detect Them    

There are harmful conditions that don’t reveal any symptoms. Among them are hypertension and high cholesterol. In the US, the statistics show that 30% of the adult population has high cholesterol, but only half of them get treatments. In the case of hypertension, the numbers are similar. Untreated, they can result in a heart attack. Hypertension is detected via a sphygmomanometer or blood pressure monitor, and high cholesterol can be detected via a blood test. Click here for more information.


Negative Effects Of Sleep Apnea On Blood Pressure

Negative Effects Of Sleep Apnea On Blood Pressure    

Sleep apnea occurs when the air passage in the body is interrupted when sleeping, resulting in loud snoring and in breathing interruptions which can last from ten seconds to one minute. This leads to poor sleeping and a sense of fatigue on the next day. Among its consequences are high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and a high risk of heart attack, depression, and diabetes. Check the full list. More Information click here.


Hypertension Can Result In Stroke In Elderly Patients

Hypertension Can Result In Stroke In Elderly Patients    

One of the possible consequences of high blood pressure in seniors is a stroke. This happens when a ruptured blood vessel or a clog in the brain causes a sudden loss in brain function. Among the complications are paralysis, memory loss, emotional problems, and pain. Learn about the complications. More Information click here.