Monday, April 8, 2019

Differentiating A Heart Attack From A Cardiac Arrest

Differentiating A Heart Attack From A Cardiac Arrest    

A Blood Blockage Causes A Heart Attack, While A Cardiac Arrest Is A Malfunction Of The Electrical System That Controls Heartbeats    

There are a variety of cardiovascular conditions, and the most serious is a heart attack and cardiac arrest. Heart attacks are usually related to fatal outcomes, or to an incapacitating condition. The truth is that heart attacks can be fatal, but not all of them are. A heart attack comes when there is a loss of blood irrigation in an area of the heart, caused by a blood clot. Depending on the location of the blood clot, the heart damage will affect the ability to pump blood. If the blood clot is located on the main artery that supplies blood to the heart, there is a very high risk of a fatality. While a heart attack is related to blood flow, a cardiac arrest is caused when there is a malfunction on the electrical system that regulates the heartbeats. This can cause the heart to beat chaotically or rapidly, or even stop, preventing the blood flow to the other organs. Cardiac arrests can be caused by heart attacks, imbalance of minerals in the blood, or a drug overdose, among others. Check what to do in case of both conditions. Additional information click here.


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