Tuesday, February 7, 2017

High Blood Pressure Newsletter - New This Week - W02-03 - 2017

high blood pressureJust No High Blood Pressure Newsletter – Weeks 02-03 –  2007

This week we have interesting info: Did you know that, as strange as it sounds, in older adults, hypertension could be beneficial for the brain? Also, how to avoid child hypertension, an enzyme that can treat obesity and diabetes, excess body fat responsible for serious health conditions, stress and anxiety increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, limiting excess sodium intake, excess weight reduces the life expectancy in obese people, software based on artificial intelligence can predict mortality in heart disease patients, caffeine can help reduce inflammation in old age and also increase longevity, new blood pressure monitor with the size of a smartwatch, what are brain aneurysms, and more.

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High Blood Pressure Newsletter - New This Week - W02-03 - 2017