Friday, May 31, 2019

Cholesterol Drugs Reduce Heart Attack Risk

Cholesterol Drugs Reduce Heart Attack Risk    

Statins, which are drugs for treating high cholesterol levels, have proved effective at reducing the risk of death, heart attack and stroke with people with various risk factors, such as hypertension, diabetes or smoking. Statins are also not related to side effects present in other drugs, such as increased risk of muscle pain or myopathy, liver damage or cognitive decline. More Information click here.


Aged Cheese Related With An Extended Lifespan

Aged Cheese Related With An Extended Lifespan    

A study has shown that aged cheeses can extend the lifespan. This is because a component called spermicide. It induces a process called autophagy, in which the heart cells identify which parts of them are not working properly and shuts them down. Additional details click here.


Wearable Device Helps Monitor Blood Pressure And Also Connects To Smartphone

Wearable Device Helps Monitor Blood Pressure And Also Connects To Smartphone    

A new wearable bracelet will monitor the blood pressure and also communicated with a smartphone via Bluetooth. It has monitoring lights which will inform that blood pressure is normal, up to an alarm to warn if there is a hypertensive crisis. Click here for more information.


Thursday, May 30, 2019

New Research In Hypertension Treatment Looks Promising

New Research In Hypertension Treatment Looks Promising    

There is interesting research on hypertension treatments. Most of them are still on trial but promise a great future. Among them is the control of the carotid bodies, two receptors that act as the blood gateway to the brain, via receptor blockers or electrical stimulation. Other is a by-pass between a vein and artery in the upper thigh, reducing the blood pressure in the artery. More info click here.


Recognizing Quickly The Symptoms Of Stroke Can Result In The Survival Of The Patient

Recognizing Quickly The Symptoms Of Stroke Can Result In The Survival Of The Patient    

Stroke is not an uncommon condition. It is responsible for more deaths in men than prostate cancer, and in women with breast cancer. Stroke treatments are time-dependent – therefore, the sooner we look for help increases the possibility of a successful outcome. How do you identify it? Among the symptoms are a dropped mouth, the arms can’t be lifted, and trouble speaking and understanding. Additional information click here.


Is Hypertension A Result Of A Modern Life Diet?

Is Hypertension A Result Of A Modern Life Diet?    

Thousands of years ago, we had a diet very low in salt, because we ate mostly plants. Then salt was found to preserve foods, which increased its consumption, and now we have a salt intake 10 times more than what our body requires. Hence, the blood pressure increased. Additionally, doctors inform us that a pressure of 140 over 100 is still considered normal. However, a tribe on the Amazon rainforest has the lowest salt intake on the planet, with a blood pressure of 100 over 60. So, do we choose to have hypertension or its part of the modern life? Click here for more info.


More Than 30% Of Hypertension Patients Do Not Follow Their Prescribed Treatment

More Than 30% Of Hypertension Patients Do Not Follow Their Prescribed Treatment    

A study has confirmed that, among high blood pressure patients, more than 30% do not follow their antihypertensive drug therapy. This is a result of poor health literacy, lack of understanding of medical benefits, and poor communication or distrust between the patient and doctor. More details click here.


Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Study: Sleep Apnea Related To Irregular Heartbeat

Study: Sleep Apnea Related To Irregular Heartbeat    

Research has related obstructive sleep apnea, which causes interruptions during sleep, with a higher risk of irregular heartbeat, also known as atrial fibrillation. This can result in strokes, heart failure, and other cardiovascular conditions. More here Additional info click here.


High Blood Pressure Treatment Based On A Drug For PTSD

High Blood Pressure Treatment Based On A Drug For PTSD    

A drug used in the treatment of PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder, can be also effective in patients with hypertension. This drug, called Prazosin, blocks the receptors that reduce the effects of adrenaline and noradrenaline, which are released by the body as a result of a stressful event. Click here for more details.


Obese Patients Have Less Risk Of Heart Failure, Hypertension, And Diabetes With Bariatric Surgery

Obese Patients Have Less Risk Of Heart Failure, Hypertension, And Diabetes With Bariatric Surgery    

Recent research found that the risk of heart failure in obese patients can be significantly reduced with bariatric surgery or other weight loss treatments. It also reduced the number of incidences of atrial fibrillation, diabetes, and hypertension. More Information click here.


A Diet Rich In Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Help Control High Blood Pressure

A Diet Rich In Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Help Control High Blood Pressure    

A study suggests that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids will help control hypertension in young adults. It considered that even a small reduction in pressure, such as 5 mm Hg, can greatly reduce the risk of strokes, while other study found a reduction in blood pressure in diets with less than a gram per day of omega-3 fatty acids. Additional details click here.


Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Patients With Pre-Hypertension Can Avoid High Blood Pressure By Practicing Yoga

Patients With Pre-Hypertension Can Avoid High Blood Pressure By Practicing Yoga    

Patients with slightly elevated blood pressure, also called pre-hypertension, are likely to develop high blood pressure unless they change their habits one way to do it is by practicing yoga, which included stretching exercises, breath control, and meditation. More details click here.


Hypertension And Obesity Lowers Testosterone Level – How To Boost It?

Hypertension And Obesity Lowers Testosterone Level – How To Boost It?    

Hypertension, diabetes, and obesity lower testosterone levels, which is one of the main causes of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. There are ways to increase it, such as daily exercise, having a sleep schedule, getting rid of excess weight and taking care of stress, among others. More info click here.


Fatty Liver Disease Related To Cardiovascular Disease

Fatty Liver Disease Related To Cardiovascular Disease    

A recent study has shown the relation between fatty liver disease and cardiovascular disease. Fatty liver disease can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, and vice versa. Fatty liver disease affects 30% of the US population due to increased obesity. Additional information click here.


Benefits Of Vegetarian Diet For Lowering Blood Pressure And Colon Cancer Risk

Benefits Of Vegetarian Diet For Lowering Blood Pressure And Colon Cancer Risk    

A healthy diet is one of the ways of lowering the risk of hypertension. But if it is also a vegetarian diet, a research has shown that it will also lower the risk of colon cancer. Al alternate study also found that the vegetarian diet will also reduce the mortality rate. Click here for more info.


Monday, May 27, 2019

Study: Red Wine Might Help With Hypertension And Heart Disease

Study: Red Wine Might Help With Hypertension And Heart Disease    

A study revealed that red wine can help reduce hypertension and prevent heart disease. The study as made with non-alcoholic wine, which improves nitric oxide levels which causes blood vessels to relax, resulting in lower blood pressure. It also decreased the risk of stroke and heart disease. More details click here.


Cheese May Help Reduce High Blood Pressure

Cheese May Help Reduce High Blood Pressure    

Researchers say that consuming sodium in the form of a dairy product, such as cheese, can help avoid the harmful effects of sodium. The reason might be the antioxidant properties of cheese. Additional info click here.


Changing These Habits Will Help Control High Blood Pressure

Changing These Habits Will Help Control High Blood Pressure    

High blood pressure is treated with meds, but it is also necessary to change certain habits –which is something not everybody does. For example, getting more activity, not preparing for a marathon, but 30 minutes per day of walking running, even tai chi or gardening. Also having healthy eating, watching over sugar and salt, controlling the weight and managing stress, among others. Click here for more details.


Check These Habits For Better Health And Longevity

Check These Habits For Better Health And Longevity    

Healthy habits will not only benefit the body and the mind but also will result in greater longevity. Apart from exercise and diet, there are also getting regular sleep, taking a day off to rest and rejuvenate, managing stress correctly, and addressing any health issue. More Information click here.


Sunday, May 26, 2019

Menopause Also Affects Your Cardiovascular Health

Menopause Also Affects Your Cardiovascular Health    

Menopause means that the body is going through hormonal changes, which include hot flashes, mood swings, and weight gain. But it also affects cardiovascular health because there is less production of estrogen. This can result in hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, and abnormal heart rate, among others. Additional details click here.


High Cholesterol And Hypertension Have No Symptoms – How To Detect Them

High Cholesterol And Hypertension Have No Symptoms – How To Detect Them    

There are harmful conditions that don’t reveal any symptoms. Among them are hypertension and high cholesterol. In the US, the statistics show that 30% of the adult population has high cholesterol, but only half of them get treatments. In the case of hypertension, the numbers are similar. Untreated, they can result in a heart attack. Hypertension is detected via a sphygmomanometer or blood pressure monitor, and high cholesterol can be detected via a blood test. Click here for more information.


A Red Face Is Not Related To High Blood Pressure

A Red Face Is Not Related To High Blood Pressure    

People with red faces are thought to have high blood pressure. However, experts say that there are many causes for red face, but hypertension is not one of them. High blood pressure has no way to show outward symptoms unless they are headaches of shortness of breath. More info click here.


New Hypertension Treatment Based On Electroacupuncture

New Hypertension Treatment Based On Electroacupuncture    

There is a treatment or hypertension based on electroacupuncture. It increases the release of a certain opioid that controls hypertension. The lower blood pressure lasted for three days after the treatment. Additional information click here.


Saturday, May 25, 2019

What Is White Coat Hypertension?

What Is White Coat Hypertension?    

Some patients show nervousness when the doctor checks their blood pressure at the clinic, which results in a higher reading in the blood pressure monitor. This is called white coat syndrome and can be detected comparing the readings at the clinic with the readings at home, taken with a home monitor. Click here for more info.


Pregnant Women Can Obtain Many Health Benefits From Coconut Water

Pregnant Women Can Obtain Many Health Benefits From Coconut Water    

Coconut water is beneficial for pregnant women and is also an alternative to sugary drinks. It acts as a diuretic, cleansing the body and also reduces heartburn and constipation due to its dietary fiber. It also increases the levels of potassium, magnesium and other substances that regulate blood pressure. More details click here.


Heartburn And Hypertension Drugs Affect Dental Implant Procedures

Heartburn And Hypertension Drugs Affect Dental Implant Procedures    

A study suggests that certain drugs can affect the outcome of a dental implant procedure. It advises taking drugs for high blood pressure and avoid taking meds against heartburn. These drugs can alter how the bone tissue accepts the dental implant. Additional info click here.


Sleep Apnea Can Lead To Hypertension

Sleep Apnea Can Lead To Hypertension    

Sleep apnea occurs when breathing is interrupted for a short period. This results in a reduction of oxygen in the blood, which leads to excess fatigue in the morning, and, if untreated, can result in high blood pressure, diabetes and even stroke. Click here for more details.


Friday, May 24, 2019

Hypertension Can Result In Stroke In Elderly Patients

Hypertension Can Result In Stroke In Elderly Patients    

One of the possible consequences of high blood pressure in seniors is a stroke. This happens when a ruptured blood vessel or a clog in the brain causes a sudden loss in brain function. Among the complications are paralysis, memory loss, emotional problems, and pain. Learn about the complications. More Information click here.


High Blood Pressure Can Lead To Cognitive Impairment In Middle-Aged Persons

High Blood Pressure Can Lead To Cognitive Impairment In Middle-Aged Persons    

Middle-aged persons with high blood pressure are more exposed to Alzheimer’s and impaired cognition. This is because hypertension affects many parts of the body, and the brain, one of the most affected organs. Additional details click here.


Meditation Will Help Controlling Hypertension

Meditation Will Help Controlling Hypertension    

Meditation is a great way to control stress, which, among other things, lowers blood pressure. As with any new habit, it can be difficult at first. Guided meditation is like a coach that is guiding you, while mindfulness of breathing focuses on your breath inhalations and exhalations. Check more tips on meditation. Click here for more information.


These Foods Will Help With Blood Pressure And Also Overall Health

These Foods Will Help With Blood Pressure And Also Overall Health    

Unhealthy diet habits will lead to obesity and increase the risk of heart disease. However, there are foods that have proven to be healthy and nutritious. Among these are tomatoes, containing the antioxidant lycopene, which reduces blood pressure and heart disease. Other is garlic, which contains vitamins and antioxidants. Check the full list – it even contains chocolate. More info click here.


Thursday, May 23, 2019

Sugary Drinks Increase Significantly The Risk Of Hypertension

Sugary Drinks Increase Significantly The Risk Of Hypertension    

According to a study, taking one sugary drink more than one time a day increases the risk of high blood pressure by ten. This can be soda or a fruit juice. This is because there will be an increase of uric acid in the blood, as well as more insulin secretion. Additional information click here.


These Healthy Habits Will Help You Extend Your Life

These Healthy Habits Will Help You Extend Your Life    

Many people seek anti-aging treatments and programs, looking to stay younger more time. However, hanging certain habits can extend your life. Among these are limiting sugars, refined carbohydrates, and saturated fats. Also include walnuts, which are rich on omega-3, beet juice, rich in nitrates, acting as a natural blood thinner and relaxes muscles in blood vessels, reducing hypertension. Check the full list. Click here for more info.


Care Of Diabetes During Pregnancy

Care Of Diabetes During Pregnancy    

Pregnancy requires extra care if there are other conditions such as diabetes, which is associated with high blood pressure and excess weight or obesity. This includes checking the glucose level. In the case of gestational diabetes, which is developed during pregnancy, it can be controlled through dieting and exercise. If this is not possible, insulin must be considered. Click here for more information.


High Blood Pressure Can Be Treated By Resistance Training

High Blood Pressure Can Be Treated By Resistance Training    

Several studies have shown that aerobic exercise is fundamental for presenting and reducing high blood pressure. However, recent research has shown that moderate-intensity resistance training has the same result and in cases, better results in treating hypertension. Additional info click here.


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Memory Decline In Elder Age Might Be Prevented By A Mild Exercise

Memory Decline In Elder Age Might Be Prevented By A Mild Exercise    

Elder age means more health problems. One of them is memory decline. However, recent studies have shown that exercise in the form of a walk can prevent it. The trial group walked three times a week, increasing gradually the intensity. The cause might be the release of proteins that benefit the brain. Click here for more details.


A Better Diet Will Help With Reducing High Blood Pressure

A Better Diet Will Help With Reducing High Blood Pressure    

High blood pressure is treated with meds, but it is also important to change eating habits. For example, the DASH or Mediterranean diet contains olive oil, fruit, garlic, and low-fat dairy products. Others are eating ore flaxseed, beetroot juice, and fewer potatoes. Check all the foods. More Information click here.


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These Natural Treatments Can Improve The Effect Of Your Blood Pressure Medications

These Natural Treatments Can Improve The Effect Of Your Blood Pressure Medications    

Treating blood pressure consists of a combination of meds plus healthy habits. Among these are low-fat diets, exercises, and losing weight. Certain foods will help the effect of meds, such as onions, which includes an antioxidant related to reducing hypertension, garlic, which reduces blood pressure and cholesterol, turmeric, Omega-3, among others. Check the full list. Additional details click here.


Experts Agree That Heart Failure Is Not As Dangerous As Heart Attack

Experts Agree That Heart Failure Is Not As Dangerous As Heart Attack    

According to experts, heart failure is not as life-threatening as a heart attack. Heart failure is the inability of the heart to circulate blood normally. A heart attack occurs when the blood flow at the muscles is interrupted or severely reduced. Click here for more information.


Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Obese Mothers Can Be The Cause Of Their Children’s Hypertension And Kidney Disease

Obese Mothers Can Be The Cause Of Their Children’s Hypertension And Kidney Disease    

Study: babies from overweight mothers are exposed to leptin in the womb. This activates the receptors that regulate blood pressure in their children, exposing them to a higher risk of hypertension and kidney disease, for life. More info click here.


Benefits Of Spices For Boosting Immunity And Helping With Heart Disease

Benefits Of Spices For Boosting Immunity And Helping With Heart Disease    

Spices have interesting health benefits. For example, paprika has capsaicin, which reduces the risk of heart disease, increases immunity and alleviates gas. Cayenne pepper also has capsaicin, which also has the advantage of speeding the metabolism, reducing the need for fatty and salty foods. Check all the healthy spices. Additional information click here.


Check These Unusual Causes Of Headaches

Check These Unusual Causes Of Headaches    

There are many types of headaches. One of them is caused by hypertension when blood pressure is really high, similar to 200/110. There are also exertion headaches, caused by strenuous activities, and facial pain, caused by stress and psychological factors. Click here for more info.


Is There A Minimum Amount Of Daily Salt Intake To Prevent Hypertension?

Is There A Minimum Amount Of Daily Salt Intake To Prevent Hypertension?    

Excess sodium has been related to hypertension by numerous studies. One of the most recent has shown that lowering salt intake to less than 1.5 grams per day lowers significantly the blood pressure. More details click here.


Monday, May 20, 2019

High Blood Pressure Can Affect Intelligence In Children

High Blood Pressure Can Affect Intelligence In Children    

A recent research has related hypertension with increased cognitive deterioration. The same happens in children, which will be at a disadvantage when seeking successful achievement and success. One of the causes is childhood obesity. What to do about it? Additional info click here.


These Foods Will Help Reduce Hypertension

These Foods Will Help Reduce Hypertension    

Treating high blood pressure is not only about meds. It is also choosing a healthier way of life. One of them is dietary changes. Among the foods that reduce blood pressure are rolled oats, beetroot, and vitamin C. Why does these foods lower hypertension?  Click here for more details.


Tinnitus Alleviated By ‘Love Hormone’, But It Increases Blood Pressure

Tinnitus Alleviated By ‘Love Hormone’, But It Increases Blood Pressure    

Recent studies have shown that spraying oxytocin in the nose can provide relief from tinnitus. Oxytocin is called the “love hormone” because it promotes social interactions. However, there are side effects that have been identified, such as variations in blood pressure, and nausea, among others. More Information click here.


This Is How Panic Attacks And Heart Attacks Are Controlled By Beta-Blockers

This Is How Panic Attacks And Heart Attacks Are Controlled By Beta-Blockers    

Beta-blockers are drugs that block the effect of the chemicals adrenaline and norepinephrine. These substances are responsible for changes in the cardiovascular system as a reaction to stress or danger. However, in some people, these changes are frequent, leading to high blood pressure and increasing the risk of heart attacks. Additional details click here.


Sunday, May 19, 2019

Hypertension Treatment Though Sound-Based Therapy

Hypertension Treatment Though Sound-Based Therapy    

There is a new therapy based on the sound that is showing positive effects on controlling high blood pressure and migraine. It reads brain activity using sensors in the scalp. This activity is transformed into audible tones and immediately reflected in the brain. The treatment has also proved effective for insomnia. Click here for more information.


Exercise Can Neutralize The Effects Of Excessive Drinking… But Do Not Abuse

Exercise Can Neutralize The Effects Of Excessive Drinking… But Do Not Abuse    

Drinking has many health hazards, including liver disease, heart problems, high blood pressure, among others. However, a recent study suggests that exercise can counteract the effects of alcohol. It showed that heavy drinkers that exercised were healthier than those that did not exercise. What would be the correct amount of exercise? More info click here.


Poor Sleeping Related To Heart Disease

Poor Sleeping Related To Heart Disease    

Heart disease can be detected if the patient has chest pain and breathing difficulty. Researchers have found another sign, the desire to go to bed early and these patients have poor sleeping due to tossing and turning in bed. Other signs are severe headaches, fatigue, and vision problems, among others. Additional information click here.


Study: Small Cluster Of Cells Responsible For Controlling Blood Pressure

Study: Small Cluster Of Cells Responsible For Controlling Blood Pressure    

High blood pressure is usually treated with medicines and a change of habits. However, it has been discovered that a small cluster of cells located near the carotid artery can cause high blood pressure. Researches removed this body the size of a rice grain and it resulted in an immediate drop in blood pressure. Apparently, this body monitors the oxygen level in the blood, informing the brain to increase the blood pressure, and this monitoring can give false readings. Click here for more info.


Saturday, May 18, 2019

Magnesium Shortage Leads To High Blood Pressure

Magnesium Shortage Leads To High Blood Pressure    

Magnesium is a fundamental mineral for the proper functioning of the body. It is necessary for the operation of more than 300 enzymes. Also, it is essential for the activity of muscles and nerves, hormones, immune system, and food processing. Low magnesium intake has serious consequences. Among them are high blood pressure, diabetes, migraine headache. Also, there are fatigue, confusion, anxiety, muscle cramps, nausea, among others. Check all the list. More details click here.


Check These Ways To Reduce Salt Intake

Check These Ways To Reduce Salt Intake    

It is well known that excess salt intake is related to high blood pressure. The main component of salt is sodium, which together with potassium, are necessary for the body processes. The danger occurs when there is excess sodium. There are ways to control this, such as eating fruits and vegetables rich in potassium to balance the sodium. Also, replace the salt with herbs when cooking. Additional info click here.


Lower The Risk Of Heart Attack By 50% By Walking Or Cycling

Lower The Risk Of Heart Attack By 50% By Walking Or Cycling    

A study has shown that people with moderate activity, such as walking or bicycling reduces the risk of a heart attack in almost 50%. It is suggested to increase the activity in a progressive way, limiting it to 150 minutes of weekly activity. Click here for more details.


Negative Effects Of Sleep Apnea On Blood Pressure

Negative Effects Of Sleep Apnea On Blood Pressure    

Sleep apnea occurs when the air passage in the body is interrupted when sleeping, resulting in loud snoring and in breathing interruptions which can last from ten seconds to one minute. This leads to poor sleeping and a sense of fatigue on the next day. Among its consequences are high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and a high risk of heart attack, depression, and diabetes. Check the full list. More Information click here.


Friday, May 17, 2019

What Is Portal Hypertension?

What Is Portal Hypertension?    

Portal hypertension is the obstructing of the portal venous system. This is caused by the interruption of the blood vessels that connect to the liver, resulting in liver malfunction. The symptoms are blood in the stool, confusion, and forgetfulness, among others. More details click here.


After A Cardiovascular Injury, Immune Cells In The Bloodstream Prevent The Heart From Healing

After A Cardiovascular Injury, Immune Cells In The Bloodstream Prevent The Heart From Healing    

They Inhibit The Curative Action Of The Immune Cells Located Inside The Heart    

Researchers have found that immune cells can help relieve heart disease or worsen it, depending on their location. They showed that immune cells located inside the heart are activated after an injury, reducing the risk of cardiovascular damage. But if the cells are located in the bloodstream and arrive at her heart, they worsen the disease. This occurs considering that both cell groups are of the same type, which is macrophages that consume cellular debris. They have different functions, depending if they are located inside the heart, or are located in the bloodstream and arrive at the heart after an injury. The cells in the bloodstream prevent the local cells from performing its healing job. Researchers are working on ways to inhibit the effect of immune cells in the bloodstream when they enter the heart. More Information click here.


Trained Medical Dogs Can Detect Several Health Conditions Before They Take Place

Trained Medical Dogs Can Detect Several Health Conditions Before They Take Place    

Among Them Are Migraine, Cardiovascular Problems, And Narcolepsy And Extreme Sleep Disorders    

Dogs can be very sensitive, not only for their sense of smell to detect drugs or to detect people after an earthquake or a disaster but also as service animals for disabled people, such as guide dogs. Their sense of smell is so strong and precise, that they also can detect if a person has a medical condition. Trained medical dogs can detect cardiovascular problems, drops in blood pressure and even strokes. They can also detect if a migraine is coming. There have been cases in which migraine sufferers have seen a change in behavior prior to an attack. Extreme sleepiness or narcolepsy can also be detected by dogs. These are sudden attacks of sleep which can also include loss of muscle control. There are service support dogs for patients with these conditions that can provide then a warning before an episode. Learn about all the medical conditions that can be detected by trained medical dogs. Additional details click here.


Study: Frequent Use Of Sauna Lowers Stroke Risk By 60%

Study: Frequent Use Of Sauna Lowers Stroke Risk By 60%    

It Also Lowers Blood Pressure And Makes Blood Vessels More Flexible    

According to a study, frequent sauna sessions could lower the risk of stroke in 60%, in persons who have four or more weekly sauna sessions, compared to those who have one session per week. These benefit cardiovascular health, lowering the rates of heart disease and dementia. It also lowers blood pressure and makes blood vessels more flexible, allowing better blood flow. However, this study was made in Finland, in which the sauna consists of dry heat. More research is needed to compare the results using heat therapies, such as hot tubs or steam rooms. Click here for more information.


Thursday, May 16, 2019

Low Blood Pressure May Cause Fainting, Lightheadedness, And Dizziness

Low Blood Pressure May Cause Fainting, Lightheadedness, And Dizziness    

It Lowers The Oxygen Supply To The Brain    

Low blood pressure is not as dangerous as high blood pressure, but it must be treated. This occurs when the blood pressure is lower than normal, 90/60 mmHg or less. Among the symptoms are lightheadedness and dizziness, especially when standing up, which is also called postural hypotension, and also fainting, because low pressure might lead to a poor supply of oxygen to the brain. Other symptoms are feeling sick, having a blurred vision, and confusion. More info click here.


Differentiating A Heart Attack From A Cardiac Arrest

Differentiating A Heart Attack From A Cardiac Arrest    

A Blood Blockage Causes A Heart Attack, While A Cardiac Arrest Is A Malfunction Of The Electrical System That Controls Heartbeats    

There are a variety of cardiovascular conditions, and the most serious is a heart attack and cardiac arrest. Heart attacks are usually related to fatal outcomes, or to an incapacitating condition. The truth is that heart attacks can be fatal, but not all of them are. A heart attack comes when there is a loss of blood irrigation in an area of the heart, caused by a blood clot. Depending on the location of the blood clot, the heart damage will affect the ability to pump blood. If the blood clot is located on the main artery that supplies blood to the heart, there is a very high risk of a fatality. While a heart attack is related to blood flow, a cardiac arrest is caused when there is a malfunction on the electrical system that regulates the heartbeats. This can cause the heart to beat chaotically or rapidly, or even stop, preventing the blood flow to the other organs. Cardiac arrests can be caused by heart attacks, imbalance of minerals in the blood, or a drug overdose, among others. Check what to do in case of both conditions. Additional information click here.


Risk Of Diabetes Or Prediabetes Is Determined By Body Fat Percentage

Risk Of Diabetes Or Prediabetes Is Determined By Body Fat Percentage    

Body Fat Is More Relevant Than Body Mass Index (Bmi) For Determining If A Person Is Healthy    

There are new guidelines that establish that body fat percentage determines whether or not a person is considered obese. On the other hand, the body mass index (BMI) can determine if a person is overweight, even if he has low body fat. A recent study determined that more people with BMI within the normal range (therefore, not considered overweight), but with a high body fat percentage had diabetes or prediabetes, compared to people with high BMI, but low body fat. Therefore, researches determined that the percentage of body fat is more relevant for determining the risk of diabetes or prediabetes than the BMI. Also, the percentage of body fat is related to abnormal blood glucose, leading to diabetes. Click here for more info.


Learn About These Little-Known Causes Of Hypertension

Learn About These Little-Known Causes Of Hypertension    

Among Them Are BPA Contained In Plastic Bottles, Sleep Apnea, And Thyroid Malfunction    

Most people know that high blood pressure is caused by excess salt ingestion, excess weight, and lack of exercise. However, according to experts, there are also other causes. One of them is bisphenol A, also known as BPA, a substance used in plastic bottles and the interior coating of beverage cans. Plastic food containers and wraps can increase blood pressure. Also, certain OTC drugs, such as NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), like aspirin or ibuprofen, can result in hypertension. The same results occur with acetaminophen (Advil). Sleep apnea can also be responsible for hypertension. It reduces blood oxygen levels, and the body responds by sending more oxygen to the heart and brain, leading to a tightening of the arteries and hypertension. Thyroid problems also cause high blood pressure, either by underproduction or overproduction of hormones. Check all the little-known causes of hypertension. Additional info click here.


Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Hormone Is Responsible For Resistant Hypertension

Hormone Is Responsible For Resistant Hypertension    

It Triggers The Accumulation Of Salt In The Bloodstream    

Researchers have found a type of condition, consisting of resistant hypertension, in which salt accumulates in the bloodstream even with reasonable diets and increases blood pressure, with no response to normal hypertension treatment or diuretics. It is caused by a steroid hormone called aldosterone. This hormone is produced in certain nodules in the adrenal glands. Once the nodule was removed, it was possible to treat the apparently untreatable high blood pressure. More details click here.


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Dizziness And Blurred Vision Are Symptoms Of Low Blood Pressure

Dizziness And Blurred Vision Are Symptoms Of Low Blood Pressure    

It Causes Poor Blood Irrigation On Inner Ear And Eyes    

If you experience dizziness, the cause might be low blood pressure. Other symptoms are nausea, fatigue, blurred vision, and fainting, among others. Low blood pressure, also called hypotension, occurs when blood pressure is below 90/60mmHg. The blood does not irrigate properly certain organs, like the inner ear, causing dizziness and loss of balance, the eyes, which is the cause of blurry vision, and the brain, resulting in fainting. There are ways to deal with it, such as eating smaller meals throughout the day. Click here for more info.


Certain Sounds Cause An Extremely Negative Reaction To People

Certain Sounds Cause An Extremely Negative Reaction To People    

It Can Produce Anger, Anxiety, And Even Hypertension And An Increase In Heart Rate    

There is a condition in which people react negatively to certain sounds. It is called misophonia, in which people overreact to determinate sounds, such as slurping drinks, tapping the fingers, or keyboard clicks, among others. Their reaction is disproportionate, and people are aware that they cannot control it. According to specialists, this aversion develops in childhood and gets worse over time. The reaction includes emotional responses, such as anger and anxiety, and also physiological responses, like hypertension and higher heart rate. It can also be caused by other conditions, such as tinnitus, OCD, or eating disorders. Consequences for sufferers include avoiding social situations and broken relationships. Additional information click here.


Study: Coffee Can Help To Treat Cardiac Arrhythmias

Study: Coffee Can Help To Treat Cardiac Arrhythmias    

It Suppresses The Effect Of A Substance That Promotes This Condition    

According to experts, caffeine is a good option for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, a health condition in which the heart beats too fast, too slow or not evenly. Caffeine reduces the effect of a substance that increases the risk of this heart condition. Popular belief is that caffeine is responsible for an abnormal heartbeat when the truth is a completely opposite situation. The antioxidant properties of coffee also might help to reduce the possibility of heart rhythm problems. Specialists also state that three cups of coffee per day is a safety measure for patients with cardiovascular conditions. More info click here.


Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Specific Antioxidants Deliver A Youth Treatment To Arteries

Specific Antioxidants Deliver A Youth Treatment To Arteries    

Improvement Resembles Blood Vessels 15 Or 20 Years Younger    

Researchers have discovered evidence that pharmaceutical-level nutritional supplements, called nutraceuticals, could help to prevent cardiovascular disease related to older age. It consists of a mitochondria-specific antioxidant. The clinical trial measured how well the arteries dilated with increased blood flow. Patients given the antioxidant have an improvement of 42% in artery dilation, similar to a person 15 or 20 years younger. This is also associated with a reduction of 13% in heart disease, and also a reduction in oxidative stress, which makes the arteries stiff. Click here for more information.


Absolute Sleep Deprivation Can Lead Affect Cardiovascular Health

Absolute Sleep Deprivation Can Lead Affect Cardiovascular Health    

It Also Increases The Risk Of Diabetes And Can Have Consequences On Mental Health    

Sleep deprivation results in sleepiness, loss of attention and slow reaction times. This is caused by sleeping 6 hours or less every night. However, there are worse consequences if there is a complete lack of sleep for many nights. The body uses sleep time to repair itself, regulating pH in a process called homeostasis, lack of sleep is linked with higher blood pressure, heart failure, and atherosclerosis, which is excess cholesterol in the arteries. Also, after one sleepless night, people prefer eating high-calorie and high-carb foods, increasing the risk of obesity. It also rises blood sugar levels because poor sleeping lowers insulin sensitivity, leading to a higher risk of diabetes type 2. There are mental consequences also – a study revealed that sleep-deprived people formed more memories of negative events than on positive events. Check all the health problems that absolute sleep deprivation can cause. Additional details click here.


Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea Linked To A Higher Risk Of Heart Attack, Angina, And Diabetes

Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea Linked To A Higher Risk Of Heart Attack, Angina, And Diabetes    

It Is Also Related To Obesity And Hypertension    

Obstructive sleep apnea, also called OSA, is a condition that occurs at night when sleeping, therefore it is difficult to detect. The breathing is interrupted for several seconds. A partner can complain about the snoring, but detecting the interruptions in breathing can be challenging. According to a study, most people have OSA at some point in their lives, but only 15% have severe OSA. The symptoms are fatigue and daytime sleepiness, but the individuals consider that these conditions have other causes. The same study evaluated what other health conditions had persons with severe OSA, and found a correlation with high blood pressure, an increased risk of heart attack, angina, and diabetes. Also, the degree of hypertension and obesity depended on the severity of apnea. More Information click here.


Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Yoga

Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Yoga    

It Helps With Back Pain, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, And Even Sleep Disorders    

Yoga has multiple health benefits. Adepts say that fights stress, hypertension, and provides a flexible body, among others. However, there are benefits that are scientifically proven one of them is treating back pain, due to the fact that it helps with stretching the muscles, as long as the poses are not too complicated. Another study showed the benefits of treating heart disease. The slow movement and the calming and meditative breathing reduces stress and hypertension. There are also benefits for sleep disorders, because the slow and controlled breathing slows down the brain after an intense day at the job, improving the sleep quality and quantity. Check all the scientifically proven benefits of yoga. Click here for more details.


Monday, May 13, 2019

Acupuncture Has Positive Effects On Brain Chemistry, Treating Anxiety And Stress

Acupuncture Has Positive Effects On Brain Chemistry, Treating Anxiety And Stress    

It Also Lowers High Blood Pressure And Treats Back Pain And Circadian Rhythm Disorders    

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese practice which has more than 2000 years old. Even though it is widely known, not everybody knows its effects on the body. Some of its benefits are positive changes in brain chemistry, the release of neurotransmitters, and pain reduction. It can cause the brain to release molecules that allow communication between cells and neurons, called neuropeptides, which can relieve pain and promote self-healing. It also produces other chemicals that help to manage pain, called endorphins which also are beneficial for treating back pain. Acupuncture also relaxes blood vessels, reducing hypertension and cerebral blood vessels. Another benefit is the release of neurotransmitters to manage stress, reduce anxiety, promote mood, and even treat circadian rhythm disorders. Additional info click here.


Labile Hypertension Is A Sudden Increase In Blood Pressure

Labile Hypertension Is A Sudden Increase In Blood Pressure    

It Can Also Cause Strong Headaches, Tinnitus And Increase The Risk Of Severe Organ Damage    

Labile hypertension occurs when blood pressure fluctuates abnormally. It increases over 130/80 mmHg, which is the definition of hypertension and happens for short periods of time. It is usually caused by stress, such as expecting bad news or going for surgery. The usual symptoms of labile hypertension are strong headaches, tinnitus, heart palpitations, and flushing. The sudden increase in blood pressure also puts excess pressure on other organs, such as the heart, kidneys, and eyes, increasing the risk of severe damage. More details click here.


Hypertension-Lowering Diet Linked To Lower Depression Levels

Hypertension-Lowering Diet Linked To Lower Depression Levels    

Diet Helps The Gut Microorganisms, Which In Turn, Produce Hormones That Combat Depression    

The DASH diet is based on fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and low-fat dairy foods, and has been designed to fight high blood pressure. However, researchers have found out that it also helps to combat depression. Studies have proved that there is a link between our gut microbiota, the microorganisms in the intestine that help digest the food, and the mood. These microorganisms have an active role in the production of hormones that regulate our moods, such as serotonin and dopamine. To prove the link between a healthy diet and depression, researchers, evaluated the dietary habits of a group of people and compared it to the DASH diet, and to their mood. However, the most interesting finding was the effect of a healthy diet combined with antidepressant drugs. Click here for more info.


Relaxation Reduces Blood Pressure, Besides Stress And Anxiety

Relaxation Reduces Blood Pressure, Besides Stress And Anxiety    

It Produces Physical Changes And Also Changes In Gene Expressions    

Relaxation is a successful technique for treating stress and anxiety. According to researchers, it can be also used for reducing high blood pressure. This is because relaxation is not only related to a state of mind, it also causes physical interventions in the body that have a positive effect on lowering blood pressure. Relaxation lowers the breathing rate and heart rate, and its long-term use has been linked to increased brain thickness and specific changes in gene expression. In the study, participants went through a series of sessions including diaphragmatic breathing, mindfulness meditation, and mantra repetition. After the study, more than half of the participants experienced a significant decrease in blood pressure. Additional information click here.


Sunday, May 12, 2019

Strokes And Seizures Have Similar Symptoms, But Different Origins

Strokes And Seizures Have Similar Symptoms, But Different Origins    

Causes Can Be High Blood Pressure, Poor Circulation, Or Epilepsy And Even Lack Of Sleep    

Strokes and seizures are two conditions that affect brain functioning, have similar symptoms, but have different origins. A stroke occurs when a blood clot is cutting the irrigation in the brain, or when there is a hemorrhage in the brain. A seizure is a neurological event, in which there is a disruption in the electrical signals coming and going to the brain. A stroke can be caused by high blood pressure, diabetes and poor circulation, and is usually a one-time event because the second stroke usually results in death. Thus, it is very important to determine the cause of the stroke and follow the doctor’s orders to avoid the second one. A seizure is usually caused by epilepsy, but other causes can be high fever, meningitis, lack of sleep, among others. The doctor will prescribe a treatment once he has determined the origin of the stroke. More info click here.


These Health Conditions Might Remain Undiagnosed Until It Is Too Late

These Health Conditions Might Remain Undiagnosed Until It Is Too Late    

Among Them Are Sleep Apnea, High Blood Pressure, And Glaucoma    

There are health conditions that remain undiagnosed or have symptoms that are easily confused with other illnesses. However, when the condition manifests itself, it is too late. One of them is high blood pressure, which, if undiagnosed or untreated, can end in a heart attack, various organ complications, or a stroke. Another is sleep apnea, which can become obstructive sleep apnea, in which the tongue relaxes at night and does not allow the flow of air. This occurs at night making it hard to detect by the sufferer and can show itself as extreme sleepiness after waking up. It can be detected by the partner, but if the sufferer lives alone, it can be difficult to detect. Glaucoma also shows vision loss when it is in an advanced state. Check all the conditions you must be aware of. Click here for more information.


Eating Too Quickly Can Lead To Acid Reflux, Diabetes, And Heart Problems

Eating Too Quickly Can Lead To Acid Reflux, Diabetes, And Heart Problems    

Food Is Not Properly Chewed, Nor Includes The Enzymes For Saliva    

There are cases in which fast food has a second definition. Besides being prepared quickly, it is eaten rapidly. Food needs to be chewed properly to break it up into smaller pieces and mixed with saliva enzymes for proper digestion. Also, proper digestion is established after 20 minutes. Eating too fast may have serious health consequences, such as increasing the risk of diabetes, due to insulin resistance caused by overeating. The heart also suffers due to a higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome. It also causes obesity because the brain does not receive the signal of fullness in time, and also leads to acid reflux, since there is excessive secretion of acid to process the poorly chewed food. Additional details click here.


Study: Exercise Can Decrease The Risk Of Genetic Cardiovascular Disease

Study: Exercise Can Decrease The Risk Of Genetic Cardiovascular Disease    

The Genetic Risk Canny Be Eliminated, But It Can Be Attenuated    

One of the causes of heart disease and hypertension is genetics. This means that, if high blood pressure or heart attacks have been common in the patient’s family, then it is very probable that it will also happen to the patient. Fortunately, a recent study states that exercise can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, even in those that have a high genetic risk. Researchers reviewed the genetic profiles of those with a high risk of coronary heart disease, and atrial fibrillation, with also a high level of cardiorespiratory fitness, and concluded that their fitness level reduced their risk of coronary heart disease and atrial fibrillation on 49% and 60%. This means that genetic risk cannot be eliminated, but can be attenuated. More Information click here.


Saturday, May 11, 2019

Dizziness Is A Condition Of The Inner Ear That Affects The Balance Organs

Dizziness Is A Condition Of The Inner Ear That Affects The Balance Organs    

It Can Be Linked To Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, And Caused By Migraines And Low Blood Pressure    

Dizziness is a sensation of loss of balance, which can go from lightheadedness to continuous vertigo. It affects the inner ear, where the balance organs are located. It can also cause nausea and short-term hearing loss, which can be linked to an ear infection. Another cause is Meniere’s disease. In this condition, the room feels like it is spinning, and other symptoms may be tinnitus hearing loss and a sensation of pressure in the ear. Even though the causes of Meniere’s are unclear, specialists believe that there are genetic factors, and it might be triggered by excessive internal pressure in the inner ear. Dizziness can be caused by a migraine, which may occur before or after the migraine attack or by anxiety, along with heart palpitations. Another cause is low blood pressure, which triggers an episode of dizziness when standing up or changing positions. It can be also the symptom of a serious health condition when combined with other symptoms such as a numb face and double vision. These are linked to a clogged artery, which lowers the blood blow to the brain and increases the risk of a heart attack or a stroke. Check all the causes of dizziness. Click here for more details.


Exercise Not Only Reduces Excess Weight

Exercise Not Only Reduces Excess Weight    

Other Benefits Include Lower Blood Pressure, Stress Reduction, And Higher Metabolism An Bone Density    

Most people link exercising to reducing excess weight. However, there are other reasons for making exercises that are as important as or even more important than weight loss. One of them is reducing blood pressure – it strengthens the heart, allowing it to pump more blood with less effort and less stress on the blood vessels. It also lowers stress due to the production of endorphin by the brain, a hormone that makes gives us a positive sensation, feeling good. Even if you are not overweight, the muscle still contains body fat, which is trimmed out by exercise. Besides obtaining a lean muscle mass, increases metabolism, builds bone density, benefits the immune system, and helps reverse insulin resistance, reducing the risk of diabetes. Check all the benefits of exercise, besides weight loss. More details click here.


Cardiovascular Changes An Help Diagnose Parkinson’s And Other Degenerative Brain Diseases

Cardiovascular Changes An Help Diagnose Parkinson’s And Other Degenerative Brain Diseases    

Symptoms Are A, Increase In The Heart Rate And Lower Blood Pressure    

According to researchers, certain degenerative brain diseases can be detected if the heart rate increases, along with lower blood pressure. This can help diagnose brain diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple system atrophy. It is based on the abnormal rise of a certain brain protein, which caused damage to the nerves that control blood pressure and heart rate. Low blood pressure is caused by impaired activation of the nerves that squeeze blood vessels, and it is a failure of the nervous system. Additional info click here.


Hibiscus Tea Provides A Natural Way To Control Hypertension, And Reduce The Risk Of Diabetes

Hibiscus Tea Provides A Natural Way To Control Hypertension, And Reduce The Risk Of Diabetes    

It Helps To Break Down Complex Sugars And Aiding In Weight Reduction    

Hibiscus tea is caffeine free and has many health benefits. One of them is that it lowers blood pressure, includes antioxidants, protecting us against conditions such as diabetes cardiovascular disease, has anti-aging properties, and even cancer. It also can help diabetics by promoting good cholesterol HDL and reducing the bad cholesterol LDL. It helps also in weight reduction by breaking down complex sugars via a substance called amylase. Also, it contains vitamin C, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. On the other side, it can also lower excessively blood pressure, resulting in a condition called hypotension, and can add a sense of euphoria. Learn more about hibiscus tea. Click here for more details.


Friday, May 10, 2019

Eating Beans And Lentils Can Alter Some Properties Of Blood Vessels

Eating Beans And Lentils Can Alter Some Properties Of Blood Vessels    

This Will Help Regulate Blood Flow And Lower Hypertension    

According to specialists, lentils and beans can help control blood pressure naturally. These legumes have the capacity to alter the physical properties of blood vessels, regulating the blood flow and the distribution of nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. Legumes can also lower LDL cholesterol (the bad type), lowering also with high blood pressure due to the smoother blood flow. These beans and lentils are present in traditional Indian meals, therefore, next time you think of take-out food, choosing Indian will help also lower blood pressure. Additional details click here.


Certain Sounds Can Cause Serious Health Issues

Certain Sounds Can Cause Serious Health Issues    

Among Them Are Headaches, Hypertension, Hearing Loss, And Even Memory Loss    

Recently, the U.S. embassy staff in Havana started hearing a high-pitched sound, which resulted in a diplomatic incident between the two countries, even though the cause was not found. Exposure to this sound resulted in severe health consequences for the embassy personnel. Among these were headaches, memory loss, sleep disorders and ear-related conditions, such as hearing loss and struggle to maintain balance. Testing also revealed a sustained injury to widespread brain networks. Studies have proven that exposure to sound, including frequencies that go beyond the range that humans can detect, can cause hearing loss, hypertension, heart disease, and stroke. More Information click here.