Monday, May 13, 2019

Relaxation Reduces Blood Pressure, Besides Stress And Anxiety

Relaxation Reduces Blood Pressure, Besides Stress And Anxiety    

It Produces Physical Changes And Also Changes In Gene Expressions    

Relaxation is a successful technique for treating stress and anxiety. According to researchers, it can be also used for reducing high blood pressure. This is because relaxation is not only related to a state of mind, it also causes physical interventions in the body that have a positive effect on lowering blood pressure. Relaxation lowers the breathing rate and heart rate, and its long-term use has been linked to increased brain thickness and specific changes in gene expression. In the study, participants went through a series of sessions including diaphragmatic breathing, mindfulness meditation, and mantra repetition. After the study, more than half of the participants experienced a significant decrease in blood pressure. Additional information click here.


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